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Printed By


Bridget Diakun

Maritime Risk Analyst, Lloyd's List Intelligence


Bridget Diakun joined Lloyd’s List Intelligence in January 2022 as a data journalist. She initially worked on understanding the impact that the war in Ukraine had on commercial shipping in the Black and Caspian seas.

In 2023, she was named 'Multimedia Journalist of the Year' by the Seahorse Freight Association for her extensive investigation into the trade out of the occupied ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk.

Now a Maritime Risk Analyst, Bridget focuses on the intersection of geopolitics and commercial shipping. She assesses the impact of conflict on seaborne trade, how the maritime industry adapts to sanctions and investigates tactics used by vessels to disguise illicit activities.

Latest From Bridget Diakun

Vessel calls resume at Hodeidah after Israeli air strike

ITF demands repatriation of abandoned seafarers who witnessed bombing, while Galaxy Leader crew still held hostage

Red Sea Risk Risk and Compliance

Houthi threat leads to rise in dark transits across Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea

Navies and other maritime administrations recommend vessels disable or at least strongly consider disabling AIS when in the vicinity of the established threat area, but security analysts warn this does not guarantee protection against attacks

Red Sea Risk Containers

Yemen port disruption unclear as attacks escalate

Despite claims that Hodeidah port was not affected by an Israeli air strike on Saturday, which saw a power station and fuel storage site go up in flames, no vessels have entered or exited the port since

Containers Ports and Logistics

Iran’s tankers double down on concealment efforts post-sanctions

Analysis of satellite and AIS data shows these ships still play a role in Iran’s oil sector, but experts insist the financial restrictions are nonetheless degrading Iran’s capabilities

Sanctions Risk and Compliance

Houthi aggression fails to cause significant further disruption to international shipping lane

The operation of naval forces has helped contribute to the relative stability in transits

Red Sea Risk Piracy and Security

UN-approved shipment of grain from Crimea to Yemen raises oversight concerns

A Russian-owned and flagged bulk carrier that has routinely berthed at occupied Crimea received UN approval to unload in the Houthi-controlled port of Saleef

Ukraine crisis Red Sea Risk
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