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Red Sea Risk

As attacks on commercial shipping to continue in the Red Sea, Lloyd's List offers the latest insight, analysis and commentary on how the crisis is impacting shipping markets and global trade


Latest News & Analysis

Vessel calls resume at Hodeidah after Israeli air strike

ITF demands repatriation of abandoned seafarers who witnessed bombing, while Galaxy Leader crew still held hostage

Red Sea Risk Risk and Compliance

Houthi threat leads to rise in dark transits across Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea

Navies and other maritime administrations recommend vessels disable or at least strongly consider disabling AIS when in the vicinity of the established threat area, but security analysts warn this does not guarantee protection against attacks

Red Sea Risk Containers

Red Sea attacks set to boost liner profits in second and third quarters

Diversions around the Cape of Good Hope caused spot container freight rates to spike. While most of the carriers’ volume is on contract, not spot, financial data confirm that carriers are indeed capturing the upside

Red Sea Risk Containers

Drone strikes spark armed security rethink

Two separate cases of armed security on board ships, both targeted by uncrewed surface vessels, have highlighted the inconsistent approach to use of force and sparked calls for a comprehensive review of private security protocols

Red Sea Risk Piracy and Security

Red Sea attacks continue as four vessels attacked in past week

Three of the four vessels were hit by missiles or drone boats and many were attacked several times over the course of many hours

Red Sea Risk Risk and Compliance

Asiatic Lloyd containership struck by missile in Gulf of Aden

CMA CGM-chartered Lobivia was travelling from Djibouti to Colombo when it was struck by a missile. No crew have been injured, but the vessel is continuing to a port of refuge to assess damage

Red Sea Risk Containers

Folding P&I war risk into mutual cover is ‘absolute no-no’ for time being, say clubs

Segment highly profitable thanks to conflicts in the Black Sea and the Red Sea. Some industry voices believe underwriters are using the proceeds to keep prices down as they fight for market share in the hull sector

Red Sea Risk Insurance

Maersk warns of expanding Red Sea impact and disruption risk for Australian ports

The worsening equipment shortages will spread high rates to the backhaul and regional trades, analysts say

Red Sea Risk Containers
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