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The International Maritime Organization has committed to slashing total annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2050, compared with 2008, and it aims to decarbonise the sector fully by the end of the century. The shipping industry is facing up to the challenge, developing new fuels and stronger, environmentally-friendly practices. But with tighter rules and regulations on both a regional and global level to contend with, agreement on the best approach is not easy


Future Fuels

Singapore proceeds with ammonia bunkering plans

Itochu, NYK and Sumitomo were shortlisted

Sustainability Bunkers

‘Fuel agnostic’ Silverstream future-proofs for greener fuels

Air lubrication specialist still sees role for efficiency gains even with lower-carbon fuels

Sustainability Fuels

Maersk LNG shift created butterfly effect, Drewry says

LNG led alternative fuel vessel orders in the first half, as methanol loses momentum because of uncertainties about supply

Containers Sustainability

Mediterranean ECA to reduce trade by 1%, new paper says

Trade in the Mediterranean expected to drop to $250bn from $252bn

Sustainability Fuels

EU to fund alternative marine fuel projects with ETS revenue

Member states will be able to top up budget allocated to alternative bunker fuel production

Europe Sustainability

Public can have confidence in FuelEU verification, argues Verifavia

‘We can have reasonable reassurance that there are no material misstatements in the data, no big mistake in those numbers, so they can be trusted for compensation purposes,’ says Duchêne

Sustainability EU

FuelEU to allow mass-balanced fuels

EU publishes FAQ for upcoming FuelEU legislation

Sustainability Fuels

Nautical Institute remains voice of the practical mariner, says Bailey

‘Seagoing as a career is not defined by the term seagoing. To me, it’s defined by the term nautical; it’s the maritime industry,’ insists veteran master

Sustainability People

How UECC chose to run its ships on cashew nuts

Oslo-based shortsea car carrier UECC has big plans for LNG and biofuels

Sustainability Roro

AAL boss: No silver bullet to make shipping greener

The heavy lift specialist hit all of its sustainability goals in 2023, but the environment was not top of the worry list for the board members, customers and employees it surveyed

Climate change Sustainability

Ammonia slip risks must be addressed before switch to new fuels, new paper says

New paper suggests global regulations to tackle ammonia and nitrogen oxide emissions simultaneously before the switch to ammonia as an alternative fuel

Fuels Environment

Exclusive: IMO carbon levy at $150-$300 would result in least GDP impact on global economy

Unctad and DNV’s findings will inform IMO member states’ negotiations to design mid-term emission reduction measures in 2025

IMO Risk and Compliance
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