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The Lloyd's List sustainability hub provides insight, analysis and commentary to identify the immediate and long-term challenges as shipping navigates its way towards an emissions-free future.

Sustainability Spotlight: Analysis and comment

Exclusive: IMO carbon levy at $150-$300 would result in least GDP impact on global economy

Unctad and DNV’s findings will inform IMO member states’ negotiations to design mid-term emission reduction measures in 2025

IMO Risk and Compliance

Quality concerns and new business models will fuel a bunker revolution

Sustainability Bunkers

Carbon transport hangs in balance amid CO2 capture setbacks

Low carbon prices and a lack of mature projects are holding back carbon transport, as projects have been slow to get off the ground

Sustainability Tankers and Gas


Audio & Reports

Lloyd’s List podcast (from left): Traigura’s Rasmus Bach Nielsen, WSC’s John Butler and MSC’s Budd Darr.
The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Why we need to get shipping’s carbon regulation right, now

The difficult detail of how shipping deals with carbon pricing and the ultimate impact that could have in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions hangs in the balance. The debate regarding which combination of measures gets agreed is going to be a difficult and highly political one, but this week’s edition of the podcast argues that case for keeping in mind the end goal and not getting lost in climate finance agreements that raise revenue, but fail to reduce emissions

On the Lloyd’s List podcast from left: Myrto Tripathi from Voices of Nuclear, Mikal Boe from Core Power and Bureau Veritas’ Matthieu de Tugny.
The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Has shipping’s nuclear option reached critical mass?

There is a growing body of opinion across shipping that is routinely referring to nuclear, alongside carbon capture technology, as the only real options on the table that will allow shipping to fully decarbonise by 2050. Has the previously fringe option of nuclear-powered ships become sufficiently mainstream for the industry to consider leapfrogging ammonia and hydrogen as a more pragmatic solution?

From left: Bud Darr from MSC, ABS’s Chris Wiernicki, DNV’s Knut Orbeck-Nilssen,  Jan Dieleman from Cargill and BV’s Matthieu De Tugny
The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Has shipping replaced ambition with pragmatism?

Is the outbreak of pragmatism at Posidonia this year a genuine shift towards a more realistic conversation and a long overdue resetting after the greenwashed ambitions that never really had any substance? Or are we starting to feel the environmental, social, and governance backlash playing out and pulling back on the difficult substance of what lies ahead in terms of the energy transition?

Lloyd’s List podcast with Wirana Shipping logo
The Lloyd’s List Podcast: How green is green finance in shipping?

Green shipping finance is not currently that attractive, or green. But new banking regulations and tightening decarbonisation targets mean that capital is increasingly only going to flow in the direction of those companies prepared to make the ‘right’ decisions. This week’s edition of the podcast discusses why green targets will ultimately determine who has, and has not got access to capital


Regulation Timeline

Lloyd’s List’s interactive timeline includes links to related content and supporting information/documentation on impending regulation


