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Container cash crisis

Container shipping faces perhaps its biggest challenge yet in an already tumultuous history at the hands of the coronavirus pandemic.
Lloyd’s List assesses the status quo, as the industry attempts to ride the coronavirus storm.

One storm too many for box carriers?

With combined full-year losses approaching $1bn in the ‘best case scenario’ for the container shipping industry, lines are in survival mode

International Containers Lloyds List magazine

Can carriers contain a coronavirus cash crisis?

While the impact of the coronavirus pandemic will be felt across the industry, some will be better able than others to ride out the storm

Asia Pacific Europe Containers

The Lloyd's List Podcast: Container shipping's coronavirus cash crisis

This week’s podcast homes in on the container market and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The Lloyd’s List box team assess which of the major carriers are best and worst prepared, as a precursor to this month’s Lloyd’s List magazine. Joining the conversation is Sea-Intelligence’s Lars Jensen, who offers a view of what the industry may look like this time next year and beyond.

International Containers Lloyds List magazine

Carriers likely to face high seas after coronavirus crisis

If carriers resort to chasing market share in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, they face losing more than $23bn in 2020

International Containers Coronavirus

Between the lines: The extent of the coronavirus crisis

This worst-case scenario would be devastating for the industry, as the combined operating profits of the top 12 carriers during the past eight years was $20.9bn

Asia Pacific Europe North America
Read Full report

State bailouts are useful, if you can get one

While the South Korean government pouring cash into HMM is deemed as a market distortion by some competitors, its alliance members may well appreciate the results the money has brought

Asia Pacific Europe Containers

Credit rating outlooks on leading box lines downgraded

Weak macroeconomic outlook will hit demand for container transport for the remainder of the year, says S&P

Europe CMA CGM Hapag Lloyd

Carriers may have hit peak capacity reductions on main trades

The main east-west trade lanes may have seen the worst of capacity reductions, but other trades will be slower to peak and recover

International Containers Ship operations

World boxship fleet update: Fleet in stasis as pandemic curbs activity

Even with a slowdown in deliveries, a frozen demo market and backed-up scrubber retrofits are pushing up idle fleet capacity

International OOCL Containers
