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Fuel options are slim and future regulations uncertain as shipping maps its course to decarbonisation, leaving companies with few good choices. Collaboration, efficiency and flexibility will be vital, but shipping has its work cut out to become carbon-free come 2050.

Decarbonisation: Making sense of shipping's conundrum

The gulf between action needed to decarbonise shipping and regulations to drive transition is vast — but with the right mix, it can be achieved

International Sustainability Environment

Decarbonisation: The hidden cost of ‘drop-in’ future fuels

Synthetic LNG or methanol will cost more than hydrogen and ammonia, but will be easier to live with; which path will prevail is still an open question

International Fuels Environment

Decarbonisation: Where will green corridors lead?

In the absence of global regulations to force the industry to clean up, governments and companies hope voluntary green corridors can help test zero-carbon technologies. Yet there are limits to what can be done without a carbon levy or worldwide rules

International Dry Bulk Containers

Decarbonisation: Chinese pace lags behind foreign counterparts

Progress made by Chinese shipping companies in decarbonisation cannot mask their lack of ambition on the global stage; however, they have the potential to accelerate the pace and signs are promising

Asia Pacific China Containers

Decarbonisation: Clean-tech breakthrough needs new thinking on investments

No single clean-tech solution has yet to prove a gamechanger, but IMO emissions targets and the introduction of the Carbon Intensity Indicator have the potential to be just that and energise a raft of new technologies

International Sustainability Technology and Innovation
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Decarbonisation: What to expect from the IMO — and what not to

Short-term measures are expected to cause compliance headaches while doing little to cut ship emissions; there is progress on mid-term carbon price plans, but the big fights are yet to come

International Europe Sustainability

Decarbonisation: High LNG marine fuel prices block transition pathway

When it comes to choosing between saving money or the environment, shipowners are opting for the fuel that provides the lowest operating cost

International Containers Dry Bulk

Decarbonisation: Shipowners will be ‘forced’ to build greener ships

‘The big container lines understand they have got no choice. The major problem will be for the smaller private owners’

International Finance Environment



