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Innovation in shipping

The maritime sector’s fragmented approach to research and development is born out of a business model that prioritised cashflow and balance sheets at the expense of innovation. In an era of radical technological and operational revolution, many companies are no longer fit for purpose.


Why shipping is struggling to innovate

Shipping is struggling with innovation, but technological breakthroughs are not the problem; the required advances needed are in scalability and availability

Technology and Innovation Digital Disruption Digitalisation

MASS misunderstandings reveal barriers to innovation

Autonomous ships are at the higher end of innovation and will probably not feature globally for many years; yet discussion about regulations and vessel operations continues to fill conference agendas

Technology and Innovation Technology Digitalisation

Ports await 5G connectivity to accelerate innovation

Smart ports and smart shipping have been promoted by tech companies for many years, even though super-fast, low-latency connectivity has not been available; 5G is near and promises transformation

Technology and Innovation Ports and Logistics Digital Disruption
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Silicon hubs and start-ups offer fresh perspectives for shipping

Business leaders recognise the significance of start-up thinking, though very few acquisitions of digital businesses by physical product businesses are successful. Innovation transforms expectations

Technology and Innovation Digital Disruption Digitalisation
