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Daily Briefing July 29 2024

Leaked charterparty hints at premiums earned on sanctioned trades | First test of UK shipping sanctions as Russia-loaded tanker sails for Port Said | Congratulations on re-election, Ms von der Leyen. Now cut red tape and push free trade

Daily Briefing


Analysis and Comment


The Lloyd’s List Podcast: The unintended consequences of sanctions

Navigating the rapid escalation of sanctions has proved to be a steep and expensive learning curve for P&I clubs as they try to enforce the unenforceable. They now walk a precarious regulatory tightrope through the dark fleet, which now presents a global threat in terms of uninsured risk. But if you think this is just a problem for the insurers — think again

Lloyd’s List Podcast Sanctions Insurance

Special Report: Half-year outlook 2024

The growing orderbook and rising prices are not deterring cash-rich owners or hungry yards as all core markets continue to perform strongly at the same time and the global disruption fuelling record tonne-miles shows no sign of abating. But is it really different this time round? Click here to view the full report


Ship in golden light
Shipping’s short-term outlook looks golden, but uncertainties loom large

The growing orderbook and rising prices are not deterring cash-rich owners or hungry yards, as all core markets continue to perform strongly at the same time, while the global disruption fuelling record tonne-miles shows no sign of abating. But is it really different this time round?

Tanker and oil platform on offshore area at sunset.
Tankers: Good times roll into 2025

Western sanctions against Russia and the Red Sea turmoil have recalibrated oil trades twice in two years to offset slowing oil demand growth that typically steers tanker freight rates

Singapore’s Pasir Panjang container terminal
Containers: Generation [bo]X — tales for an accelerated cycle

The container shipping sector entered the year on a downcycle. It looks likely to end the year in the black, as the old nemesis of congestion comes back to haunt

Bulk vessel in Panama Canal
Dry bulk: Panama upside to fall, Guinea upside to rise

Supply chains for dry bulk shipping have been lengthened by weather and geopolitics. At least some of that tonne-mile upside could unwind during the second half, as Panama ramps up canal transits. On the demand side, China remains the big wild card


The Lloyd’s List Podcast



