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Jerry Frank

Latest From Jerry Frank

Nato joins with Lloyd’s in seeking solution to piracy

INTERNATIONAL legal and operational challenges posed by piracy — as well its ancient antecedents — were not lost on a high-level Lloyd’s of London session last week assessing security risks faced by global business and governments today.

Insurance Europe

Gard avoids major losses

NORWEGIAN mutual Gard has hauled clear of substantial losses booked amid last year’s financial crisis with a profit of $197m over the first six months of its 2009 year, writes Jerry Frank .

Insurance Europe

Can an economic crisis void a shipping contract?

IS THE global economic recession akin to an act of God or a Pacific ocean tsunami? This is not a Donnish line of questioning to tease Oxbridge entrants, but a critical question for those assessing contractual obligations under different legal systems and the doctrine of force majeure after the great crash of 2008.

Regulation Europe

Gard’s fortunes stage a turnaround

NORWEGIAN mutual hauled clear of substantial losses booked amid last year’s financial crisis with a profit of $197m.

Insurance Europe

Ice cap melting poses new security threat

NATO’s secretary-general melting of the Polar ice cap has opened the way for new commercial sea lanes and poses new security challenges for the international community.

Environment Europe

Lack of bridge training is jeopardising ship safety

ONLY 18 months ago in the heady last days of the shipping boom, amid all the cash and confidence, concerns were still rife over navigational errors and the steady rise of accidents at sea.

Insurance Europe
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