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Printed By


Nigel Lowry

Athens Correspondent


Nigel Lowry is Lloyd’s List’s resident expert on Greek shipping and has been covering the industry since the crisis of the 1980s. He has reported on the key Greek shipping community from London and New York as well as Athens and has carried out a range of other assignments for Lloyd’s List in other countries.

Nigel wrote the book ‘Onassis and his Legacy’, published by the Onassis Foundation in 2003, reprinted from a serialisation in Lloyd’s List.

He is a regular participant in maritime industry events as chairman, moderator or guest speaker and has often been interviewed for television and other media on shipping topics.

Since 2004, he has directed and hosted the annual Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards, a major event in the maritime calendar that draws more than 1,000 guests each year.

Prior to joining Lloyd’s List he held senior editorial positions with the Greek Business Review, Naftiliaki magazine, the Newsfront Greek Shipping Intelligence newsletter, and The Athenian, a monthly magazine. He has been a regular correspondent for The European Times, De Lloyd/Lloyd Anversois and Media International, among others.

He has won an Efkranti Award for his coverage of the Greek shipping industry and was awarded the Cavaliere del Lavoro Guido Grimaldi prize for his career as a journalist at the 2023 Mare Nostrum Awards, becoming the first non-Italian to win the award.

Independently, Nigel is also founder and director of the Greek Shipping Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame is dedicated to recognising outstanding individuals in Greek shipping’s history and is a hub of information for new generations as well as a strong supporter of Greek children’s charity Hellenic Hope.

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