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In an unprecedented year for the global economy, Lloyd’s List takes an in-depth look at the major segments of the shipping industry and what the next six months hold for container carriers, tankers, dry bulk, LNG, finance and more

Outlook: Is shipping coping with the pandemic?

The outlooks, forecasts and predictions for 2020 which were compiled at the end of last year now look like they were made in another age and on another planet. So what has the remainder of this most unusual year got in store for the industry?

Containers Dry Bulk Tankers and Gas

With all hopes pinned on China, the new normal looks very familiar

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed shipping market weaknesses, yet resilience within each sector reveals an industry inching its way towards new solutions

Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine Political and Trade

Is dry bulk over the worst?

The dry bulk fleet is expected to expand this year, while demand is likely to fall, leading to a toxic mix for the market

International Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine

Trade imbalances smother LPG sector

Freight rates to remain at depressed levels in the second half of the year

Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine Tankers and Gas

Marine insurers factor in coronavirus uncertainty

Fewer sailings and slow steaming should mean fewer claims, but drill down and the picture is far complicated than that

International Insurance Crewing

Shipping's green push faces virtual halt

The coronavirus disruption means major decisions have been put off or delayed — and the rest of the year is unlikely to change that

Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine Regulation
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Talk of a containers crisis is off the mark

If container lines can hold their nerve, the next six months should remain profitable, even with a weak peak season

Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine Containers

Tankers facing wild ride as global depression looms

Opec cartel navigating geopolitical and economic icebergs as oil market rebalances over 2020’s second half

Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine Tankers and Gas

Pandemic overhang clouds LNG uptick in second half

The threat of a second coronavirus wave has dampened LNG demand and depressed prices to persistently low levels, which is not supporting ramp-ups at liquefaction plants

Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine Tankers and Gas

Are shipping’s banks finally coming back?

Shipping’s comparative resilience in the face of the coronavirus pandemic could help it gain more confidence among financiers who are used to seeing other businesses as a safer bet

Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine Finance

Pandemic fallout delays vessel deliveries and limits new orders

The total number of ships delivered in 2020 is expected to increase compared with last year, but a high number of deliveries will be delayed to 2021 and cancellations are increasing

Mid-Year outlook Lloyds List magazine Shipbuilding
