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Shipping’s decarbonisation trajectory depends on regulation that will be decided over two crucial meetings.
Yet there is already growing concern that governments could backslide on promises when the easy ambition
statements give way to the difficult detail of climate finance.



Is shipping’s decarbonisation revolution about to start slow steaming?

The shipping industry and governments are attempting to negotiate the most difficult and controversial details of a global greenhouse gas reduction strategy amid a backlash against pro-climate policies. Some are more invested in the outcome than others

Special Report Sustainability Regulation

IMO to adopt practical mid-term measures to put decarbonisation back on track

Secretary-general is optimistic on shipping’s chances of reaching new IMO targets aiming for net zero by or around 2050, as member states prepare to adopt mid-term measures in 2025

Special Report Sustainability IMO

Shipmanagers can now agree to take on ETS liability, but remain reluctant

The way the EU decides which entity is the ‘shipping company’ responsible for surrendering carbon credits is still not clear. Industry groups want clarity

Special Report Sustainability Regulation

RightShip GHG rating emerging as emissions benchmark amid CII concerns

RightShip’s efforts to remove the influence of power-limitation tools for its greenhouse gas rating has boosted the popularity of the benchmark, amid concerns around the metrics of the IMO’s CII rules

Special Report Sustainability Energy
Read the full report

Alternative-fuel newbuilding orders decline as those for bulkers and tankers rise

Already large liner orderbooks have seen commodities carriers, with conventional fuel propulsion systems, make up the greater share of newbuilding orders in recent months. However, any increase in demand for large alternative-fuel bulk carriers and crude tankers could be limited by a lack of shipbuilding capacity

Special Report Sustainability Shipbuilding

Shipping prepares for its first dance with carbon trading

Companies are scrambling to set up trading accounts, while a niche industry springs up to help them manage an unfamiliar market. Data is king, industry readiness is patchy and challenges abound

Special Report Sustainability Regulation
