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Special report: Quarterly Outlook

Lloyd’s List’s latest shipping health check remains largely unchanged from the last quarter, but the uncertainty that lies beyond requires strategic thinking, not procrastination. Shipping may have reached peak uncertainty, but we could now be approaching peak everything.


Have we reached peak uncertainty?

Lloyd’s List’s latest shipping health check remains largely unchanged from the last quarter, but the uncertainty that lies beyond requires strategic thinking, not procrastination. Shipping may have reached peak uncertainty, but we could now be approaching peak everything

Market Outlooks Political Risk and Trade Sanctions

The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Five key forecasts for shipping

Lloyd’s List’s latest quarterly outlook for shipping examines the trends across all shipping sectors, so for this week’s edition of the podcast the editorial team have gathered around the microphone to offer their view of what happens next in containers, tankers, dry bulk, the orderbook and regulation

Lloyd’s List Podcast Market Outlooks Containers

Containers: Box carriers expect more of the same in 2022

The results are in — and container lines are the winners. Another strong year is ahead, although the threat of an economic slowdown, geopolitical tensions and the ever-present pandemic colour the outlook

Containers Finance Ports and Logistics

Dry bulk: Sustained strength through second quarter

Despite the obvious negative impacts from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine prompting a sharp drop in exported volumes of bulk commodities, trade disruptions, along with fleet inefficiencies, should keep rates healthy during the traditionally strong second quarter

Dry Bulk Political Risk and Trade Ukraine crisis

Ship finance: Alternative providers enter the mainstream

While there is still plenty of funding available to the industry, capital providers of all stripes are focusing more on the asset

Finance Market Outlooks International

Shipbuilding: Full orderbooks but profits remain elusive

New orders for gas tankers and containerships have been the main drivers of newbuilding demand during the first quarter of 2022, on the back of hot markets in the liquefied natural gas and liner shipping sectors

Shipbuilding Fuels Environment

LNG: Generational energy crisis ensnares fleet

Disruption from the global pandemic, followed by geopolitical turmoil that imperils European energy security, is driving record volatility across all oil and gas sectors

International Market Outlooks LNG

Reefers: Red hot market shows little sign of cooling

The reefer market recovery is expected to continue through 2022, with ‘good prospects’ for all fresh commodities, while rates show little sign of going off the boil as competition with dry cargo heats up

Reefers Market Outlooks International

Vehicle carriers: Positivity despite auto parts anxiety

While orders for pure car and truck carrier newbuildings have risen during the first quarter of this year, ordering activity needs to expand as an increasingly high vintage fleet will need replacing during the next few years

Roro Market Outlooks International

Offshore wind: Picking up speed

The Russia-Ukraine crisis has sparked an acceleration in project development in Europe as the continent seeks to become energy independent; floating offshore wind is also gaining momentum

Offshore Market Outlooks International
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Tankers: Russia to the rescue for ‘putrid’ market

Crude, product and fuel oil seaborne trades are being recalibrated, as higher insurance costs and sanctions on Russia’s oil and gas sector lift spot rates for smaller tankers

Tankers and Gas Market Outlooks International

Regulation: Testing the water

Despite the war in Ukraine, work at the International Maritime Organization on safety and emissions continues, while Europe’s Fit for 55 package will continue to take shape. There will be few big headlines on either matter early in 2022

Regulation Environment Safety

Marine insurance: P&I plateaus while H&M hardens

North Standard merger will give Gard a real rival and is likely to see other mergers, as peers bulk up to build market share

Insurance Market Outlooks International

LPG: Shipping on rough seas

With higher LPG prices expected to soften cargo demand and a hefty vessel orderbook due for delivery, earnings of vessels — especially the large-sized tonnage — are under pressure

Tankers and Gas Political Risk and Trade Market Outlooks

Heavy lift: More than pulling its weight

Low stocks of both commodities and industrial parts have restricted heavy-lift cargo movements for the past 18 months. Shippers in industries such as renewable power are keen to get projects moving, now they can physically do so

Towage and Salvage Offshore Market Outlooks
